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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

aries Zodiac Sign

Aries Horoscope

Tue, 7th May 2024
by Oscar Cainer

Like a puzzle piece we didn't know we were missing, there are times when people come into our lives and complete us. Just as the warm, familiar hug of long-loved family members brings calmness into our world, everything seems to make sense. It's often said that if something seems too good to be true, it is. But they also tell us to trust in the goodness of the cosmos. Enjoy an encounter with someone new today. They're not going to trip you up. They can be trusted. This connection could lead to something special.

Reveal the astrological secrets of the coming year, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Your Aries forecast for 2024 and Aries Video for 2024 from Jemima.








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Aries - Your Weekly Horoscope: Yes, it's important to be honest. But that doesn't mean you need to share every thought and innermost desire. There are some facts that are for you to know (and for others to find out). This week brings important information which you're not obliged to divulge. In fact, for now, you should keep it to yourself. The situation you're involved in is changing. When it's time to share what you know, the cosmos will send you a clear sign. In the meantime, discretion is key. Keep your cards close to your chest. When you play them, you'll win!

Aries - Your May Monthly Horoscope: Who has the time to sit and read their prediction for the month ahead? Certainly not you! You need to get a wiggle on. Run faster. Try harder. Don't you? No! Just because you've got Mars powering through your sign doesn't mean you've got to succumb to the pressure. Don't let yourself be wound up. And don't fall for that trick of telling yourself you've got no time either. Your deadlines in May are more flexible than they look. The more thoughtfully and purposefully you invest your energy, the more you'll get right.

Aries - Yesterday's Forecast:
The spoken word might be our most obvious form of communication. But even if we speak the same language as someone, it doesn't mean we'll truly understand one another. It's easy to be so influenced by what we expect people to say that we don't listen to their words. Plus, our desire to connect to others is so strong that we hide our views and ideas in case they cause disapproval. Thus, in our desire to maintain 'good relationships', we forget the value of honesty and authenticity. Today brings a chance to speak your truth. Take it!

Reveal the astrological secrets of the coming year, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Aries - Sun May 05, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We both know what's waiting at the end of this sentence: a full stop. There. Did you see it? Don't even think about any of the following punctuation. Just examine it closely. It contains an entire world of possibilities. I know that's asking you to stretch your imagination! But I'm just trying to point out that what seems insignificant to one person can be huge to somebody else. This week, if an issue seems big to someone important to you, your best bet is to make it seem important to you. You'll find yourself sharing something exciting.

Aries - Sat May 04, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Yes, it's important to be honest. But that doesn't mean you need to share every thought and innermost desire. There are some facts that are for you to know (and for others to find out). This week brings important information which you're not obliged to divulge. In fact, for now, you should keep it to yourself. The situation you're involved in is changing. When it's time to share what you know, the cosmos will send you a clear sign. In the meantime, discretion is key. Keep your cards close to your chest. When you play them, you'll win!

To find out what the planets have in store for you over the coming, critical next few months, download your Guide to the Future, now.

Aries - Fri May 03, 2024:
How lucky are you feeling? If you're expecting to win the jackpot this weekend, there's a good chance you're overestimating your luck. But if you're worried everything's going to go pear-shaped, you've swung to the other extreme. Your ruler, Mars, in your sign, is positive. It's empowering you with the energy to address a persistent source of angst, and implement change. If you stop focusing on the potential negatives, and adopt a more gung-ho approach, you'll find a surprising way of turning a tricky situation around.

Aries - Thu May 02, 2024:
The ability to find common ground with people who challenge us is a skill. If you can access it today, you'll be able to move a tricky situation forwards in a positive way. The problem is that the difficulties aren't yours to solve. Yet just because you're not responsible doesn't mean you can't help sort them out. If you apply your energy, and use your persuasive talents, the understanding you gain will enable you to resolve a miscommunication issue, and promote a feeling of collaboration that will benefit everyone.

Want to know what the coming year has in store? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!

Aries - Wed May 01, 2024:
With so many challenges facing our planet, making the world a better place is complicated. Working out what's wrong is easy. Working out how to make it right is hard. Complaining, without taking action doesn't help. Nor does moaning about things we don't like, but which are logical consequences of our reality. To make a difference we need to be objective and view problems from a wider perspective. Which is easier said than done! With your ruler in your sign, use your energy well. Direct it into a battle that's worth fighting for.

Aries: - Tue Apr 30, 2024:
With your ruler, Mars, moving into your sign, you're moving into your power. The cosmos is encouraging you to reassess your potential and rethink your future plans. Is there a chance you've been underselling yourself? Or compromised your needs in order to fulfil someone else's demands? Standing your ground (or standing up for yourself) might involve causing some friction. But it's about time your agenda honoured you. And with the added spark of energy coming your way, it will be much easier to create change than you think.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Aries - Mon Apr 29, 2024:
When writers are looking for ways to inject excitement and tension into their narrative, there's a literary device that always works: the race against time. The more pressure the characters are under, the more engaged the audience feels. Great in fiction. Not so great when everything starts to feel 'touch and go' in real life. That's not entertaining. The situation you're dealing with might feel unnerving. Things aren't as calm and secure as you'd like. But if you take the pressure off, you'll see you've got time to get things right.

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