Daily Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Horoscopes

Horoscope for May 4, 2024

Good time for love affairs: you will be in great form, and look handsome. You will have the world at your feet.

Excellent period for any intellectual work. Professional success and increase in material goods are bound to happen. You will have a lot of luck, without really trying too hard. You will be wise and prudent, forethought will improve every initiative you take. You will be rational and be able to construct reasonable arguments: you will give good counsel and your circle will be able to count on you.

You will feel good, at ease, calm and peaceful. You will notice a strong sense of mental well-being. You will know how to draw from the lessons of the past, you will be thoughtful and wise. You will like to stay with the family, or to see close friends whom you have neglected a bit, through lack of time. The company of old friends and a relationship with a dependable older woman will give you pleasure. Nothing extraordinary in view, it'll be dead calm.

This transit will make you more sociable. It will make you realize that you, too, need other people - if only for their company. The ever so individualistic you will become more human, you will realize that you have perhaps been mistaken in the past. You will want to work with amazing people, you will discover solidarity. You will more attentive to others and will try to understand them. If you have a junior post, you will notice that your superiors are watching over you more carefully, more easily. If, on the other hand, you are a boss or are at the head of no matter what type of enterprise, your prestige will grow thanks to the social changes that you make within your organization.

It will be a period when you will be very nervy. You will boil over and the slightest thing will make you explode. You could be particularly violent, and so suddenly that you won't be able to control yourself. Be careful about problems and accidents that might result from such an attitude.

You will very much want to be free and independent. The first thing you may do is to break with your past. This could mean a divorce. You will think that every tie prevents you from being free, that they are a block to your desires and plans. You will break from the past without any precautions or niceties, but in an abrupt and unthinking manner. You will think that a new and marvellous world awaits you. Your plans will be beyond your means and ability to carry out, but you won't realize this. Obviously, you will have a lot of problems. Your emotional or family life may well be stormy.

You will not feel very much at ease, a feeling that all's not well or of emptiness around you will encase you as if you were in a thick fog.

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