Cancer Daily Horoscope

May 7, 2024

Your influence grows as the Taurus moon and Venus unite, dear Cancer, helping you manifest change by inspiring others to follow your lead. Reflect on how your actions impact humanity on an immediate and grand scale, making small changes that can leave a lasting impression. You could be called upon to share wisdom this evening when Saturn stirs, and it may be necessary to exercise a bit of tough love. This energy is also ideal for recommitting to a consistent spiritual practice. The new moon rises tonight, and new connections could help you get ahead throughout the next six months.

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Daily Food Horoscope

Do something special for yourself today because, let's face it, no one else is going to. That could mean taking a brief respite from your strict diet by eating a juicy cheeseburger or a yummy tuna melt sandwich. But show a bit of temperance and skip the onion rings. That could open floodgates you'd rather keep closed.

Daily Home Horoscope

Take heart and do not despair. It's okay that your plans have not blossomed to fruition in your timeframe. Remember, Hoya Bella will not begin to trail until its leaves have grown on 12-inch fronds.

Daily Dog Horoscope

Everything doubles. That includes the bad things as well as the good, so be careful. Barking at the mail slot alienates more than the mailman. On the other paw, winning over a neighbor nets you a lifetime of biscuits. Make wise choices.

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Daily Teen Horoscope

No matter what you want to get done today, it's up to you to make it happen. Though you have just enough energy to get things rolling, you'll have to summon even more -- nobody else is throwing their hat in the ring

Daily Cat Horoscope

Your shyness is a virtue -- it keeps you from meeting folks who might play too rough! Today, though, you need to break out of that shell a little bit and say hello to a friend of a friend who is perfectly awesome.

Daily Bonus Horoscope

Too many people are throwing too many ideas at you now, but you can sort through them.