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Birthdays for 5th of November

Tatum O'Neal1963Los Angeles California
Actress, daughter of Ryan O'Neal, films include "Paper Moon", married tennis player, John McEnroe 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - Ascendant: Libra
Bryan Adams1959Kingston Canada
Singer, guitarist, songwriter, hits songs include "Run to You", "Cuts Like a Knife" 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - Ascendant: Scorpio
Bill Walton1952La Mesa California
Basketball player, national attention since highschool career, Hall of Fame 1993 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - Ascendant: Cancer
Sam Shepard1943Fort Sheridan Illinois
Playwright, popular actor likened to Gary Cooper, "The Right Stuff" 1983 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - Ascendant: Pisces
Art Garfunkel1941New York New York
Singer, writer, actor, duo with Paul Simon 1966-70, hit songs include "Bridge Over Troubled Waters", "Mrs. Robinson" 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - Ascendant: Leo
Elke Sommer1940Berlin Germany
Actress, b. Elke Schletz, internationally known and multi-lingual, married writer Joe Hyams in 1964 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - Ascendant: Virgo
John Ottina1931Los Angeles California
U.S. Educational Head 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - Ascendant: Leo
Clifford Irving1930New York New York
Faked autobiography of Howard Hughes 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - Ascendant: Libra
Vivien Leigh1913Darjeeling India
Actress, won Oscars for best actress "Gone With the Wind" and "A Streetcar Named Desire", wife of Sir Lawrence Olivier 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - Ascendant: Taurus
Roy Rogers1911Cincinnati Ohio
Cowboy actor, married Dale Evans in 1947, with Dale on TV "The Roy Rogers Show" 1951-57 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - Ascendant: Aquarius
Joel McCrea1905Los Angeles California
Actor, horseman, stuntman, many films and TV appearances, never smoke or drank, frugal millionaire 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - Ascendant: Scorpio

Horoscopes for this week

Ari | Tau | Gem | Can | Leo | Vir | Lib | Sco | Sag | Cap | Aqu | Pis

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Daily Celebrity Birthdays

Famous Birthdays for Tuesday, 5th of November, 2024:

Tatum O'Neal (1963), Bryan Adams (1959), Bill Walton (1952), Sam Shepard (1943), Art Garfunkel (1941),...

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