Yearly Horoscopes for Capricorn
Born December 22 to January 19
These links were last checked on April 13th, 2019- AstrologySource Forecast - These are not your "run-of-the-mill" newspaper style "sun sign" forecasts. Rather these are forecasts based on your "specific" birth data. Compiled by our best astrologers and delivered to you in a format that is easy to read. This report cover all aspects and midpoints of your year ahead.
- Year Forecast - Wondering what's in store for your year ahead? Peruse our thoughtful, in-depth horoscopes for insight into your year in love and romance, career and money and life in general!
- AstroAdvice Outlook - - New Age site providing horoscope reading daily done by personalized astrology charting and zodiac readings which involve romance, compatibility, personality analysis resulting in career, family, physical, emotional and mental prediction. Palmistry content includes personalized palm readings in the areas of career, health and love. Our Tarot channel provides classical tarot readings as well as a host of derivatives designed to answer your specific questions on life.
- Mystic Stars - Astrology At Mystic Stars offers all forms of astrological services, including FREE weekly horoscopes, weekly emotions, Year Ahead, Romance and a Post Card Shop.
- John Hayes - brief horoscope forecast.
Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn by Deborah Browning:
Dear Capricorn, this week invites you to embrace the power of forgiveness and let go of lingering tensions. On Monday, as the Moon enters your sign, focus on how to improve your responsibilities and let past grievances fade. Venus in Scorpio trines Mars in Cancer on Tuesday, highlighting the importance of strengthening friendships by focusing on their positive qualities rather than dwelling on minor differences. Tone down any criticism and express love for people as they are -- you'll find that this brings harmony into your relationships. As Pluto turns direct in your sign on Friday, your natural leadership abilities will resurface, allowing you to guide others without overpowering them. The First Quarter Moon in Capricorn on Thursday encourages you to make practical adjustments to your long-term plans. By week's end, your confidence will attract those who appreciate your strengths. Now is the perfect time to discard the old and embrace the new, stepping boldly into the future. Read your full weekly horoscope...