EasyScopes Horoscopes
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Daily Horoscopes for Sagittarius

Daily Horoscopes for Sagittarius

Born November 22 to December 21

These links were last checked on April 13th, 2019

Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius by Deborah Browning:

Your Astrologer Dear Sagittarius, this week highlights your strong communication skills, making it an excellent time for public speaking, interviews, and important conversations. On Tuesday, Mercury in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces, giving you the mental discipline to articulate your thoughts clearly and effectively. Any discussions you have now are likely to go smoothly, and reaching agreements will be easier than usual. The Sun entering Scorpio the same day encourages deeper, more meaningful connections, and you'll feel drawn to spending time with people you truly respect and trust. You're feeling realistic about love and relationships, preferring to surround yourself with dependable, long-term friends. Reaching out to older or more experienced individuals, such as an older relative or mentor, could be mutually beneficial and bring valuable insights. By Thursday, as the Moon enters Leo, embrace some lighthearted fun and socializing to balance the week's heavier energy. Read your full weekly horoscope...

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