EasyScopes Horoscopes
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Horoscope for Capricorn

Information for Capricorn

December 22 to January 19

Quality:Cardinal Ruler:Saturn
Duality:Feminine Element:Earth

Keywords: Mature, Ambitious, Responsible, Designing, Patient, Goal-seeker, Traditional

Capricorn Horoscopes:

Sun Sign Characteristics for Capricorn:

As the tenth sign of the zodiac, Capricorn represents the tenth stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. Having gained power and control through emotions and knowledge in Scorpio and Sagittarius, Capricorn seeks control by virtue of authority. All authority is given its control by rules and regulations which civilized society accepts and with which they must comply in order to progress. For all their concern with legality or the propriety of things, Capricorns can be guilty of making or enforcing rules they themselves do not follow. Blinded by their own ambition, and obsessed with their goals, they adopt the philosophy that the end justifies the means. Full zodiac sign characteristics...

These links were last checked on April 13th, 2019

    Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn by Deborah Browning:

    Your Astrologer Dear Capricorn, this week, the Sun enters Leo, illuminating your eighth house of transformation and joint resources, which brings a focus on intimacy, shared finances, and personal growth. You're encouraged to delve deeper into your relationships and investments. However, the Sun opposing Pluto may stir intense dynamics around these themes, challenging you to confront and resolve deeper issues or power imbalances. Use this time to strengthen your connections by addressing these challenges head-on. As the week progresses and Mercury enters Virgo, your attention shifts to broader horizons. This transition enhances your ability to plan and strategize for the future, particularly regarding travel, education, or legal matters. Utilize this detail-oriented energy to set practical steps toward achieving your long-term goals. Read your full weekly horoscope...

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