EasyScopes Horoscopes
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Horoscope for Gemini

Information for Gemini

May 21 to June 20

Quality:Mutable Ruler:Mercury
Duality:Masculine Element:Air

Keywords: Alert, Adaptable, Friendly, Superficial, Curious, Restless, Talkative

Gemini Horoscopes:

Sun Sign Characteristics for Gemini:

As the third sign of the zodiac, Gemini represents the third stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. Gemini goes beyond the Aries need for the raw energy of survival and the Taurus need to physically touch and experience the material world. In Gemini, it is the intellect that man needs to develop in order to understand the universe. This stage is concerned primarily with information-gathering and Geminis never seem to stop collecting it. They need to express ideas and share information with others, but what they do with their information is another matter. The mature Gemini becomes a serious scholar and careful researcher. The immature Gemini turns into a gossip and the proverbial "jack-of all-trades and master of none". Full zodiac sign characteristics...

These links were last checked on April 13th, 2019

    Weekly Horoscope for Gemini by Deborah Browning:

    Your Astrologer This week challenges you to balance communication with internal reflection. The Mercury retrograde continues to influence misunderstandings, so tread carefully in conversations and clarify your intentions. The Moon in Libra opposite Venus initially suggests a need for a slower pace -- grant yourself permission to unwind. As the Moon moves into Scorpio, you feel a surge of determination to delve into projects that require transformation. The intensity peaks with the Scorpio Full Moon, compelling you to confront and resolve critical issues. By the 25th, as Mercury turns direct and the Moon enters Sagittarius, you find clarity and a renewed sense of purpose, easing the communication hurdles of the past weeks. Utilize the weekend's Capricorn Moon to focus on long-term goals and practical outcomes, ensuring your efforts are aligned with your ambitions. Read your full weekly horoscope...

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