EasyScopes Horoscopes
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Horoscope for Libra

Information for Libra

September 23 to October 22

Quality:Cardinal Ruler:Venus
Duality:Masculine Element:Air

Keywords: Tactful, Objective, Lazy, Avoids conflict, Indecisive, Cultural, Strategist

Libra Horoscopes:

Sun Sign Characteristics for Libra:

As the seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra represents the seventh stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. The first six signs represent man's attention turned inward to understand and develop his individuality and position in the cosmos. The rest of the signs represent his attention turned outward to humanity as a whole. Libra is not merely the sign of partnership, it is the sign of other people in general. Libra is the balance between the individual and society. To attain the understanding man seeks in Libra, there must be a compromise between the passion and the intellect. The physical world must come to terms with the nonphysical world. The objectivity of judgment needed for these tasks is characteristic of the Libran temperament. Un-evolved Librans can be cold and unemotional or unable to make decisions. But this is not true of mature Librans in whom such traits merely represent attempts to reach true objectivity. Full zodiac sign characteristics...

These links were last checked on April 13th, 2019

    Weekly Horoscope for Libra by Deborah Browning:

    Your Astrologer Dear Libra, this week is about enhancing connections and fostering your social networks as the Sun moves into Leo, brightening your eleventh house of friendships and community involvement. It's an excellent time for networking, social events, and collaborating on group projects. However, the opposition between the Sun and Pluto might bring tensions or power dynamics within your social circles to the forefront. Navigate these interactions with your characteristic diplomacy and strive for harmony. The movement of Mercury into Virgo sharpens your intuition and enhances your ability to perceive underlying patterns and details. Use this insight to deepen your connections and understand the motives of those around you, which will aid in building stronger, more authentic relationships. Read your full weekly horoscope...

    Information for other zodiac signs:

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