EasyScopes Horoscopes
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Services for Sagittarius

Services Horoscopes for Sagittarius

Born November 22 to December 21

These links were last checked on April 13th, 2019

Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius by Deborah Browning:

Your Astrologer Dear Sagittarius, this week, emotional and physical stress may have you feeling a bit overwhelmed. With so much on your plate, it's easy to feel like running away from everything, but now is the time to take charge of your destiny. Miscommunications are possible, especially around September 18th, when Mercury opposes Saturn, so choose your words carefully to avoid misunderstandings. Though the pressure feels intense, you have the opportunity to achieve much if you're willing to learn new skills or seek further education. Look into courses or training that will help you reach your goals. Your ability to communicate clearly will help others understand your motivations, but don't let them drag you into their problems. Offer your support, but be firm in letting them know you can't solve their issues for them. By the weekend, take some time for yourself and reach out to someone who's been on your mind. A call or visit could brighten their day—and yours as well. Read your full weekly horoscope...

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